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Review & Support

Up to 4 hours of review & support
For clients whom have Dubsado setup and just want to work out some issues.
Includes a live review session to discuss the issues (uses 1 hour of your time, leaving 3 hours for review & support time)
Includes a full assessment of your inner workflows and processes
Includes a full assessment of your client experience
A complete and detailed report of adjustments to improve your Dubsado account
NOTE: Additional time may be needed to 'fix' any issues with your account if you would like us to handle that for you as most of the time will be taken up by the 'review' of your account and report writing.

Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)
What is the email address you login into Dubsado with?
What is the password you login into Dubsado with?
Have questions? Contact our sales team for assistance. Click here

Order Summary